GARP協會精選了9篇文章,作為2015年FRM Part 2 “Current Issues in Financial Markets”的考試教材。這9篇文章都與「高頻交易」(high frequency trade (HFT))有關,可見這種交易方式已是市場不可擋的趨勢。不管你是否參加FRM考試,你都應該了解HFT。
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上課時間 |
2015/08/229:00~12:00 (三小時) |
議題1 |
CI-1. 結算所的過度自信 |
子題 |
CI-1.1 Synthesize the advantages of using clearinghouses for the trading derivatives.「使用結算所交易衍生性金融商品的好處。」 CI-1.2 Analyze the role of clearinghouses in reducing contagion and systemic risk in financial markets.「分析使用結算所降低金融市場傳染與系統風險的角色。」 CI-1.3 Apply the concept of “too big to fail” to the use of clearinghouses.「應用大到不能倒的觀念到結算所。」 CI-1.4 Evaluate the shortcomings of clearinghouses in reducing risk.「評估使用結算所降低風險的缺點。」 |
議題2 |
CI-2.High-Frequency Trading (HFT) and Its Impact on Markets.「高頻交易與高頻交易的市場衝擊。」 |
子題 |
CI-2.1 Distinguish between algorithmic trading and high frequency trading (HFT).「區別「演算式交易」(algorithmic trading)與「高頻交易」(high frequency trading (HFT))。」 CI-2.2 Identify factors that drove the evolution of HFT.「辨認驅動高頻交易演進的因素。」 CI-2.3 Discuss the implications of HFT on regulation in financial markets.「討論高頻交易對金融市場規範的涵義。」 CI-2.4 Distinguish between liquidity and timing risk.「區別流動性風險與進出場時間點風險。」 |
議題3 |
CI-3. How Do Proprietary Trading Firms Control the Risks of High Speed Trading?「自營交易公司如何控制高速交易風險?」 |
子題 |
CI-3.1 Summarize the lifecycle of a new trading strategy for a trading firm.「摘要公司新交易策略生命週期。」 CI-3.2 Describe a firm’s risk management structure and the role of risk platforms.「描述公司風險管理架構與風險平台的角色。」 CI-3.3 Explain the pre-trade and post-trade risk controls employed by trading firms.「解釋交易公司交易前與交易後的風險監控。」 CI-3.4 Describe the key challenges and best practices in firms’ risk management.「描述公司風險管理的關鍵挑戰與最佳實務。」 |
上課時間 |
2015/08/22 14:00~17:00 (三小時) |
議題4 |
CI-4. How Do Exchanges Control the Risk of High Speed Trading?「交易所如何控制高速交易風險?」 |
子題 |
CI-4.1 Explain the pre-trade risk controls used by exchanges.「解釋交易所的交易前風險監控。」 CI-4.2 Describe offerings exchanges make to their clients to help manage risk.「描述交易所提供客戶管理風險的工具。」 CI-4.3 Describe monitoring for and mitigation of abnormal trading and market manipulation.「描述如何監控與降低不正常交易與市場操控。」 |
議題5 |
CI-5. Controlling Risk in a Lightning-Speed Trading Environment.「閃電速度交易環境下控制風險。」 |
子題 |
CI-5.1 Explain the importance of speed to high frequency trading.「解釋速度對高頻交易的重要。」 CI-5.2 Describe ways in which market participants can speed up their trading.「描述市場參與者可加速交易的方式。」 CI-5.3 List the advantages and disadvantages of speed.「列出速度的優缺點。」 CI-5.4 Describe pre-trade and post-trade risk controls used in the marketplace.「描述市場的交易前與交易後風險監控。」 |
議題6 |
CI-6. Report on Cyber Security in the Banking Sector.「銀行業網路資訊安全報告。」 |
子題 |
CI-6.1 Describe factors contributing to the rise of cyber crime against financial institutions.「描述金融機構網路犯罪興起的因素。」 CI-6.2 Discuss present trends in corporate governance as it relates to cyber security, and explain implications of these trends.「討論網路資訊安全公司治理趨勢並解釋這些趨勢的涵義。」 CI-6.3 Assess the greatest challenges financial institutions face in achieving adequate cyber security.「評估金融機構達到適當網路資訊安全所面臨的最大挑戰。」 |
上課時間 |
2015/08/29 09:00~12:00 (三小時) |
議題7 |
CI-7. Framework for improving Critical infrastructure Cybersecurity.「改善網路資訊安全的關鍵基礎工程架構。」 |
子題 |
CI-7.1 Explain the five core functions in the framework that an organization can use to mitigate cyber security risk, and provide examples of activities associated with each function.「解釋組織用來降低網路資訊安全風險的架構之五個核心功能,並提供每個功能的活動例子。」 CI-7.2 Explain how an organization can implement and communicate a process to manage cyber security risk.「解釋組織如何執行與溝通管理網路資訊安全風險的程序。」 CI-7.3 Describe methodologies an organization can use to address privacy and civil liberties concerns associated with cyber security operations.「描述組織的網路資訊安全如何解決侵犯隱私權與公民自由的方法。」 |
議題8 |
CI-8. The Changing Landscape for derivatives.「衍生性金融商品市場大變動。」 |
子題 |
CI-8.1 Discuss the background and current status of OTC trading.「討論店頭市場交易的背景與現狀。」 CI-8.2 Discuss how a central counterparty (CCP) can operate as an OTC derivative trading venue with respect to clearing and reporting.「討論如何使用「中央交易對手」(central counterparty (CCP))結算與報告店頭市場衍生性金融商品交易。」 CI-8.3 Explain the concept of too-big-to-fail CCPs, and discuss some points of weakness in this concept.「解釋大到不能倒的中央交易對手觀念並討論此觀念的缺點。」 |
議題9 |
CI-9. Valuing Derivatives: Funding Value Adjustments (FVA) and Fair Value.「評價衍生性金融商品:「融資價值調整」(funding value adjustments (FVA))與公平價值。」 |
子題 |
CI-9.1 Understand the use and purpose of funding value adjustments (FVA).「了解融資價值調整的使用與目的。」 CI-9.2 Compare and contrast the view on funding FVA from the perspectives of trading, accounting and financial theory.「從交易、會計及金融理論的角度,比較與比對融資價值調整的看法。」 CI-9.3 Distinguish between FVA and debit (or debt) value adjustment (DVA) and credit value adjustment (CVA).「區別融資價值調整、「交易商信用價值調整」(debt value adjustment (DVA))及「交易對手信用價值調整」(credit value adjustment (CVA))。」 CI-9.4 Evaluate the implications of using FVA, including the potential for arbitrage.「評估使用融資價值調整的涵義,包括潛在套利。」 |