





CFA 教材也提到此國家主權議題:


2014 CFA Level I 官方版本教材,第二冊經濟學第449頁第三段,也提到國家主權議題,摘錄如下:

Concerns regarding national sovereignty, especially where big and small nations may be part of the same bloc, have also been an impediment to the formation of FTAs. The proposal for a South Asian regional bloc has faced challenges regarding India’s role because it is one of the biggest economies in the region.





CFA 教材也提到與國家主權有關的投資議題:

2014 CFA Level I 官方版本教材,第二冊經濟學第449頁第四段,也提到有關投資的議題,摘錄如下:

Regional integration is important from an investment perspective because it offers new opportunities for trade and investment. The cost of doing business in a large, single, regional market is lower and firms can benefit from economies of scale. However, it is important to note that differences in tastes, culture, and competitive conditions still exist among members of a trading bloc. These differences may limit the potential benefits from investments within the bloc. In addition, depending on the level of integration and the safeguards in place, problems faced by individual member countries in an RTA may quickly spread to other countries in the bloc.



從投資角度而言,經濟整合區域也很重要,可提供貿易與投資的機會企業在一個大型單一區域市場的經營成本較低,而且廠商可從「規模經濟」(economies of scale)得利但是,要特別注意在經濟整合區域的會員國之間,仍存各國消費者口味、文化及競爭情況的差異。這些差異可能會限制了在經濟整合區域內投資的潛在利益。此外,端賴經濟整合區域的整合程度,與該地區保護安全的程度,個別會員國所面對的問題,也可能快速傳染到區域內其他的會員國


最後,與國家主權有關的議題,還有文化差異與歷史考量-例如,戰爭與衝突-會使得整合社會/政治的過程複雜化而且,維持一個高度的經濟整合,會限制會員國追求獨立經濟與社會政策的程度2014 CFA Level I 官方版本教材,第二冊經濟學第449頁最後一段與第450頁第一段來說明,摘錄如下:


There are at least two challenges in the formation of an RTA and in its potential progression from a free trade area to deeper integration in the form of a customs union, common market, or economic union. First, cultural differences and historical considerationsfor example, wars and conflictsmay complicate the social/political process of integration. Second, maintaining a high degree of economic integration limits the extent to which member countries can pursue independent economic and social policies. Free trade and mobility of labor and capital tend to thwart policies aimed at controlling relative prices and or/ quantities within a country, while balance of payments and fiscal credibility considerations limit the viability of divergent macroeconomic polices. This situation is especially true in the case of a monetary union because monetary policy is not under the control of individual countries and currency devaluation/ revaluation is not available as a tool to correct persistent imbalances.[1] When persistent imbalances do arise, they may lead to a crisis that spills over to other countries facing similar problems. A recent example is the fear of contagion caused by the Greek fiscal crisis in 2010. In May 2010, Standard & Poor’s reduced the credit ratings on Greece’s government from investment grade to junk status. It also downgraded the government debt of Spain and Portugal. These countries were suffering from a combination of high government deficits and slow GDP growth. The credit downgrades increased fears that Greece, in particular, would default on its debt and cause economic turmoil not among the healthier countries in the EU but also in the United States and Asia. The EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on a USD145 billion (EUR110 billion) bailout for Greece in May 2010, and provided Ireland with a financing of about USD113 billion (EUR85 billion) in November 2010. As of late 2010, there were continuing concerns about the financial health of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. The EU, which created the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in 2010 to help EU countries in need, has been debating the need for an expansion in the scope and financing capacity of the EFSF.







歐盟與國際貨幣基金於20105月同意對希臘紓困1,450億美元(850億歐元)。到2010年底,仍擔心希臘、愛爾蘭、葡萄牙及西班牙的財務健康歐盟在2010年設立「歐洲財務穩定方案」(European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)),以協助需要援助的歐盟國家而且歐盟各國間,到現在,仍在辯論是否應擴大歐洲財務穩定方案的金援範圍與金援能力




[1] These limitations are inherent in any system with fixed exchange rates and a high degree of capital mobility. They are not unique to a monetary union (i.e., a common currency). For a discussion of currency regimes, see the Level I curriculum reading on “Currency Exchange Rates,” (CFA Institute).

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